Tuesday, March 30

bring on the PINK!

Scott and I went through a whirlwind of emtions prior to our 20 week appointment today. I think more than anything, we just wanted our little one to be healthy. When we first got in the room, our ultra sound lady did not waste anytime and one of the first things she said was IT'S A GIRL! We were both thrilled although I don't think either one of us cared about the gender, we were just ready to see our little daughter on the monitor. She was able to get all of the measurements, she is measuring perfect, still due August 17th. We were able watch her dance all around on the screen for about 25 mintues. She was extremly active, didn't sit still for a second and at the end gave us a big yawn. We feel so blessed to have a heathly little daughter on the way, now we are just ready to hold her in our arms. Hope you enjoy the video, you can even hear the heart beat, it's unreal!

We love her so much already :)

Tuesday, March 23

team blue or team pink?

we are one week out from our 20 week appointment in which we HOPE to find out the gender of baby heath. i am completely 50/50 on this one, i don't have any instinct that i'm carrying a boy over a girl or vice versa. scott, as you can imagine is 100% team blue!

what's your prediction?
are you team blue or team pink?

Monday, March 22

Dinner With Me

After all the times Mommy and Daddy have fed me, I decided to make a little dinner on my own and filmed it because I didnt think they would believe me. My dinner consisted of treats with a side of treats, topped with more treats. Hope you enjoy, I did!!!


Sunday, March 21

big girl pants, check!

since i am approaching 19 weeks and i can't seem to fit into any of my clothes, it was time for an upgrade, maternity pants (as i call them "big girl pants"). and thanks to gap/old navy family + friends 30% off coupon for pulling through just in time, i was able to score some serious deals this weekend. i've now added to my maternity collection, several shirts, a few work pants, jeans and a super cute dress. secretly, i am looking forward to my "big girl pants"and i think baby heath will appreciate the extra room to grow as my pants were probably squishing his/hers little head.

Thursday, March 18

girl time

since scott is out of town for the week, i am getting in lots of time with my girls and good eats. lunch with trish yesterday, jenifer and i had mexican last night, tonight Padriac's with the girls from work and tomorrow i get to spend sometime with marisa and braden. i feel so blessed to have such amazing women in my life. here is meron enjoying my favorite, lobster nachos from pad's.
ps. we do miss scott/dad, hurry home! xo-pdog, boo, kitty and me

Tuesday, March 16

meet kitty

location: front yard
mood: sleepy
if cat's could talk: "would someone help me out with this itch"

Monday, March 15

office update

in preparation for the arrival of baby heath, we had to make some changes to our home. one being, combining office and guest room as im sure baby heath will have plenty of visitors. here is the outcome, we are very pleased and i think the pups will like having a bed to sleep on while mom + dad work.

Saturday, March 13

Meet B.O.B

Today we welcome BOB to the Heath Family. He came to us today to become the main stroller for baby heath. We were always planning on getting one but were planning on waiting, however we had to pull the trigger today when we were able to get a great sale on him.

The BOB Revolution Jogging Stroller is sturdy and maneuverable in any situation. It starts with all-terrain wheels and a suspension system that eliminates bounce. But the BOB Revolution makes maneuvering even easier with a rotating front wheel that can either swivel for easier handling or be locked off for jogging or off-road use. Quick-release wheels and an easy-fold design make it a snap to fit into small spaces, and it features extra storage, extra padding, and locking brakes.

We will be able to do a lot with BOB, who knows we might give him a try soon with Princess riding shotgun? Stay tuned...........

Friday, March 12

best friends!

so some of you know we have a foster dog right now, skye. scott and i have become extremely attached to her, i even shed a few tears at the thought of her getting adopted. and now im beginning to think, boo feels the same way. we will bring her to the adoption day tomorrow, i know she will go to a loving family and forever home, just wish it could be us. she is a gem!

Wednesday, March 10

baby heath is already spoiled!

since we have shared the news, many of our friends and family jumped right on it and bought our little peanut with some gifts. we feel very blessed to have such amazing and supportive people in our lives. i know baby heath already feels the love and can't wait to meet all of you!!

Tuesday, March 9

little bit of sunshine...

location: our bedroom
mood: content
if dogs could talk: "life is good!"

Sunday, March 7

a growing belly and baby

16 1/2 weeks (after a big dinner followed by chocolate chip cookies, yum!)
13 weeks
10 weeks and growing
7 weeks along

Thursday, March 4

our sweet pups!

here is a little sample of what we get to come home to everyday. so in love!